Michelle from Team LYV here today, 😊 and I am excited to recently have joined this amazing team of women and to jump in and report (since that’s what I do) on all things LYV. I hope you enjoy a little different perspective today on what we are up to and what we are excited about here.

We’ve been talking a lot about mental fitness lately, and we’re going to continue, but first let me say, what we aren’t talking about is this kind of fitness…

All jokes aside, what we are talking about are 5 key pillars to help you deal with life (both ups and downs). Today we’re going to talk about Mental Strength.  When you think about physical strength training, it’s something you need to do consistently to not just gain, but maintain the strength you have.

Once you reach your desired goal, if you quit doing what you did to get you there, guess what? You lose the strength you just gained.  The same is true with mental strength training. I know once I reach a desired goal, the last thing I want to do is continue doing all the work it took me to get there in the first place. I want to coast. And while we can take a break and enjoy what we’ve achieved, if we continue to “coast”, eventually we slow down and we’re right back where we started.

So let’s spend some time defining mental strength and then discussing some steps that help you get there.

When I asked some of the LYV team how they define Mental Strength, some of the responses I received included:
💪 “In a word, Fortitude”
💪 “Arm-wrestling your inner critic, and winning”
💪 “Being keenly aware of how I think and act and the emotions associated with that”
💪 “Being intentional rather than reactionary”

Wouldn’t we all love that? Having an intentional and aware response to situations rather than just a reaction.

So how do we do that? Because just like physical strength training, it doesn’t just happen. We have to work at it. But work at what? Basically, at rewiring our brains.  How we speak to ourselves, the internal dialogue, and the stories we tell ourselves.  Getting out of that rut that is our default thinking, and building a new thought trench.

And again, like physical strength training, most of us can’t achieve our goals by ourselves in a vacuum.  In fact, very few people can achieve their desired results all by themselves without a coach or trainer showing them what to do and how to do it.  The same can be said for mental strength training as well.

In fact, so many of you asked for the help of our coaches and team to help you with your mental strengthening and overall mental fitness, that’s why we’re doing this series which will culminate with our annual Renew Your Vision online event on June 3rd.

Renew Your Vision is going to be a training workshop on the Power of Mental Fitness.  So be sure and reserve your spot today.

Remember, mental fitness can either make or break your future. And we’re ready to enter the future like we enter the Summer…fit and ready to take on the future!

See you June 3rd!

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