Something I was surprised to learn when I started working with women to create great next chapters for themselves was that stepping into the new chapter is so scary that unless they were mentally prepared, their dreams came and went and they talked themselves right out of them. They forfeited their dreams. 😔 New realities are unfamiliar, and unless they had the mental fitness levels required to handle and hold their new reality, they did not know what to do when their dreams showed up on their doorsteps. Who would have thought?

Similar to when Moses finally freed the people from the oppression of the Egyptian king, their freedom scared them and if you remember, they actually cried out to go back. 😳

Why do some realize dreams and others just talk about them? 

How many of us dream of what we would like our life to look like only to dismiss it in our own minds as fantasy or not the right time?  Did you ever consider it’s not your dream that’s unrealistic but your fitness level that disables you? I mean, your mental fitness level. I had no idea, nor did many other women I know, that training your brain (or lack of it) either facilitates visions becoming reality or prevents it.

If you are reading this, you are one who desires more. Saturday, June 3rd, we will zero in on what that is actually going to take. Come see for yourself where you stand.

How mentally fit are you? 
Why is that important? 
How can you tell how mentally fit you are? 
What can you do to improve that? 
What are the symptoms or effects of poor mental fitness? 
What results can you expect from improved mental fitness? 

These are the questions we are going to answer THIS Saturday at Renew Your Vision, our annual online workshop. (

This is probably one of the most important trainings we have ever done, so you will not want to miss it. 

Whether you can make it LIVE or have to watch the replay, register to get your access now complete with:
🔹 Your own personal Mental Fitness Assessment 
🔹 3 hours of training from top-notch coaches
🔹 Inspiration from women just like you who are conquering the issues of negative thinking and self-image cause
🔹 Fun giveaways like Amazon, Sephora, and LYV gift cards

To understand why some people see their dreams realized and others just talk about them, you have to understand what is behind that. By now, you know it is not money, opportunity, academic accomplishment OR good luck that distinguishes those who see visions become reality and those that only wish for them. Do not forfeit your dream – get ready for it.

Join us on Sat. June 3rd for Renew Your Vision: a deep dive into mental fitness.

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