Until You Close the Back Door…

Until You Close the Back Door…

This hit me like a ton of bricks the other day so I had to share it.  I want you to think about this too. When in your life have you ‘closed the (metaphorical) back door’? (Meaning you had no other alternative.) Our greatest acts of faith come when there is NO back...
Out of Reach?

Out of Reach?

Out of reach or just out of your comfort zone? How often have you capped yourself lately and thought to yourself… “That’s out of reach for me”? Whether consciously or subconsciously, there are effects. OR As more than one woman shared with us lately…...
The Language of Fear

The Language of Fear

Have you ever gone to a foreign country and been baffled by the communication going on around you? However, you may have also noticed that after a while of staying there, you begin to recognize certain words and phrases and thus the isolation and frustration begin to...
Phony or Threat?

Phony or Threat?

The topic for discussion in our last couple LYV Mastermind meetings was around the presence of the inner critic. It’s a real thing. Some say they feel it is necessary to ‘keep them humble’. Some say it paralyzes them and keeps them from being their best. Which is it? ...