You are a Masterpiece.

You are a Masterpiece.

How many of you can relate to this? You look at your life and what you feel you bring to others, and you find yourself lacking. Or so you think. So many times, you have a negative view of yourself or think that you’re not good enough to participate in certain things....
Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

What is belief? Belief is the acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists; trust, faith or confidence in someone or something. It’s easy to define such a concept when we are looking out. We believe in many things – God, our family, our friends,...


Vulnerability. That is a word that many of us don’t want to talk about. It is viewed as a weakness by those looking in, but if we dig deeper, we find it’s just the opposite. I recently heard Brené Brown talk about vulnerability as ‘when you enter in without...
Why Do You Do What You Do?

Why Do You Do What You Do?

Do you have a job or is it a calling? That’s an easy answer for some and a tricky one for others. A job is simple. You show up on time, you complete your assigned tasks, collect your nominal paycheck and clock out for the day. Your job ends until the next day. A...
Passion is not just a flight of fancy.

Passion is not just a flight of fancy.

When you examine your life, what do you see? Do you focus on all that you have OR are you consumed by what you lack? Are you overwhelmed by the thought of pleasing others, or are you on track to put yourself first? We all have that one thing that is holding us back...
Difference Makers are Action Takers

Difference Makers are Action Takers

Do you get excited by new ideas but then find yourself not acting on them? I get it. We are all human, but we need to be careful before this mentality can really get very defeating and be habit forming. Confucius says, “If we hear, we forget. When we see, we remember,...