So many women go through life living it for others – their spouse, children, friends, even co-workers at times…but I’m here to tell you, THAT is a recipe long term for bitterness and resentment – it’s time that you start living your life for YOU! And I don’t mean you’d become this self-centered narcissist, so relax.  What I do mean is that you take full responsibility for what you’ve been given and your own happiness and well being.  It is imperative for all those you love that you are the best version of you. So martyrs be gone.

It is my hope that you find a new vision for your life and I want to share a few things I’ve discovered on my journey towards LIVING MY VISION.

Let’s talk about a key component towards discovering A New View of Who YOU Are – The “I am” Statement:

It’s so important to move away from your negative self-images and silence your inner critic. In order to discover and adopt your “I AM” statement, you need to let go of all the past negative thoughts. See yourself for who you truly are – an amazing woman who has so much to give and share with the world.

Research has shown us that there is a unique power as it relates to our identity and our reality with anything that follows “I am”.

Part of silencing the inner critic is coming up with your own I am statement that is a concise compilation of your positive attributes. Memorize this statement. Repeat it to yourself over and over. This process is rewiring your brain and thought process. The negative self-images will fade away and leave room for a new vision of your future.

So how you talk to yourself and how you define yourself are essentials to creating a new preferable future. Everything that follows “I am”, helps the brain recognize as a command and works very diligently to align with it. If you say things like I am such a mess, or I am a smoker, or I am stupid, or I am not smart enough…your brain will do everything it can to prove you right. That is why it’s SO IMPORTANT to stop with the self-doubt and start speaking words of LIFE back into your mind and spirit.

We, as human beings, absolutely follow through on who we believe we are. Whether it’s our own mind telling us or the person next to us, we need to align our thoughts with positivity and encouragement.

The strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves.

So, when we connect our strengths to the ‘I am statement’, it has an accelerated capability to change the way we think.   

By focusing on our strengths, our new view of ourselves can flourish. It’s the opening act to an amazing future. It changes what we think and how we feel about ourselves.

So how can any woman find and live out their vision?

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.” We’ve heard this quote so many times…

If I asked you today to tell your stories, could you tell it in a way that your history is pointing you toward your preferred future?

It’s like Brene Brown says, “When you ask people about love and relationships, they tell you about heartache and brokenness.” When I ask people to tell me their story…they tell me about hardship and personal failure.

It’s about having someone make sense of your story to help you have a more complete and accurate view – seeing your life story from a new vantage point. This is an important step towards creating a new future for yourself. It helps point you in the right direction to move forward.

I challenge you today to write your “I AM” statement. Start framing new thoughts about yourself. Create the images of your future in your mind. Repeat it to yourself – multiple times a day, and before you know it – you will believe it and will start to live your vision.

No more ‘fake it til you make it’…adopt a genuine NEW VIEW of yourself and the possibilities are endless for what the future holds!

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