The Cost of Waiting

The Cost of Waiting

The Law of Diminishing Intent – yeah that’s a heavy thought, but it’s something that’s so important to not ignore that we need to discuss it further. Far too many of us fall prey to the Law of Diminishing Intent which states that the longer we put something off, the...
Every Day is a New Opportunity.

Every Day is a New Opportunity.

Each new day is an opportunity. Opportunity is a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. A chance to do more. A chance to do better. A chance to be a difference maker. What is your outlook at the start of your day? Do you allow yourself to dream...
You are a Masterpiece.

You are a Masterpiece.

How many of you can relate to this? You look at your life and what you feel you bring to others, and you find yourself lacking. Or so you think. So many times, you have a negative view of yourself or think that you’re not good enough to participate in certain things....