Saying Good-bye to a Friend

Saying Good-bye to a Friend

It is with very mixed emotions that I write this.  I am about to go say good-bye to a friend.  Goodbye because she has left this world to go on to be with our Father in Heaven following her battle with cancer.  It is such a mixture of emotions because I am so heavily...
Beating Yourself Up?

Beating Yourself Up?

If you enjoy beating yourself up, this article is for you. We all need a little tough love sometimes to jolt us out of our downward spiral. My heart is filled with compassion for people that want change and haven’t found a way to achieve it.  For others who just...
Still Thinking About It…

Still Thinking About It…

Still thinking about it? Is that one of your favorite ways to put off a decision?  I know it’s one of mine. Why do you put off decisions? Fear Of Missing Out  (so don’t want to say ‘no’) Don’t trust yourself  (so worry when say ‘yes’ ) Even though you are ___ years...
Mistake #8

Mistake #8

Ok,  we are resuming our series…. Over the last several weeks, we have been going thru all the mistakes women make that stop them from living their visions, finding the fulfillment they crave and making the impact and income they desire. We have listed 7 so far. They...