When you pick a word for the year, buckle up. It seems that very declaration invites refinement. My word is leadership and wow, 😳 the gaps I see in it that have already been illuminated are eye-opening. However, in the company of this grace-based and strengths-based community, I am free to make mistakes that are required to learn and grow.

Don’t get me wrong – it is still a messy process, but in this safe and supportive environment, I attempt things I would never have tried before. Sometimes it goes well and sometimes not so much. But either way, the outcome is full of positive forward movement with Wins or Learnings. 

If there are things you would love to try but hold back from or avoid, then what are you waiting for? You have got to get to a safe place, full of grace with people that see the best in you.

The research is in: 
Try to make a big change on your own? Chance of success = 8%
Try to make a big change with support, accountability, tools, and guidance? Chance of success = up to 95%  

Growth requires trust, faith, and freedom to make mistakes.

Thank you Team LYV for your patience and gracious participation with me. You are my heart.

Warning: Do not attempt this at home alone.

Do you have a safe space to make mistakes? 

Need to find one? Reach out for a Vision Session and get yourself going. Click here to schedule yours.

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